Midnight Pilgrim
Bright red taillights stare out at you, cutting through the dark, like migrating lighthouses. They are beacons trailing the path of others who go before you in the same direction, not necessarily to the same destination. Modern pilgrims in the night, you share nothing but this momentary journey.
Midnight Pilgrim project is works on glass and paper encouraging people to rethink vehicles and the driving experience, aiming to twist their aesthetic experience of the road, and imbue their driving activity with romance and importance. The zen of the road speaks to the mind and the soul on a meditative level at times. The moving body, lulled by the hum of the road, carried in the cocoon-like chariot that is the modern car, prepares for its destination while active in its course. One's mind attempts to move inward while a duty to fellow travelers is a constant imperative. In this state of mind, the immediate visuals and our functional accessories become elevated in importance. We arm ourselves with amulets which bejewel our rides. We adorn our outer shells with shimmering colors that dazzle in the light. We contemplate the circumstances of those travelling before us. The commute, the road trip, and the errand give us a purpose. And in so doing, they take on the aesthetic of the sacred.